Rabu, 23 Desember 2009

Jakarta Pria seringkali tak sadar akan kesalahan yang ia lakukan saat bercinta. Padahal kesalahan itu dapat membuat pasangannya menjadi kehilangan mood bercinta.

Ada baiknya untuk mengetahui kesalahan-kesalahan yang sering dilakukan para pria saat berhubungan seks. Sepuluh di antaranya diungkap oleh Askmen, Kamis (17/12/2009).

1. Tak mempersiapkan lokasi
Bercinta seringkali dilakukan spontan. Tapi tak ada salahnya sesekali menyiapkan mara tidur Anda menjadi lebih romantis. Bersihkan, rapihkan, dan beri wewangian yang menggoda. Setting lampu menjadi lebih redup, dan siapkan wine untuk Anda dan pasangan.omantis.

2. Melewatkan foreplay
Saking berhasrat, pria seringkali lupa untuk membangkitkan gairah pasangan dengan melakukan foreplay. Padahal telah banyak penelitian yang membuktikan bahwa foreplay membuat hubungan seks menjadi lebih dahsyat.

3. Terlalu terburu-buru
Gairah yang menggebu kadang membuat pria tak lagi bisa mengontrol permainannya di ranjang. Alhasil perempuan kadang merasa diburu waktu karena perbuatan pasangannya. Jangan terlalu fokus dengan gairah Anda sendiri. Berilah rasa nyaman pada pasangan terlebih dahulu. Ingan bahwa bercinta bukan hanya memberikan kepuasan diri sendiri, tapi juga pasangan.

4.Tak memperdulikan bahasa tubuh perempuan
Kebanyakan perempuan memilih peran pasif saat berhubungan cinta. Mereka tak menjelaskan dengan jelas apa yang diinginkan atau disukai. Untuk itu bagi para pria, ada baiknya untuk memperhatikan bahasa tubuh pasangannya saat tengah bercinta. Dari bahasa tubuh serta ekspresinya, Anda akan tahu apa yang dia sukai dan inginkan saat bercinta.

5. Mencoba melakukan banyak hal dalam satu waktu
Gaya bercinta memang bervariasi. Namun bukan berarti Anda harus melakukannya dalam satu waktu. Perilaku Anda yang terlalu 'sibuk' mencoba berbagai gaya bisa membuat perempuan sebal. Mereka justru tidak bisa menikmati apa yang tengah dilakukan. Membuat rencana bercinta juga merupakan solusi. Diskusikan dengan pasangan, apa saja yang Anda dan pasangan ingin coba saat di atas ranjang malam ini.

6. Tak menghormati pasangan
Adegan di film-film dewasa seringkaloi menunjukkan perempuan yang tunduk pada pasangannya di tempat tidur. Sang pria mendominasi tanpa memperdulikan pasangannya.

Jika Anda sering menonton film seperti itu, secara tidak sadar pola permainan terpengaruh. Yang perlu diingat, perempuan di film hanya berakting. Anda tak bisa membandingkan adegan film porno dengan kehidupan nyata. Perempuan yang menjadi patner bercinta adalah seseorng yang cintai. Perlakukanlah dia dengan hormat, dan bahagiakan dia termasuk saat di atas ranjang.

7. Bersikap terlalu nge-bos
Menjadi dominan di tempat tidur bukanlah suatu kesalahan.Namun jangan berlebihan. Pandu pasangan Anda dengan lembut, dan jangan berkesan memerintah. Sikap terlalu nge-bos membuat perempuan merasa tidak nyaman dan direndahkan.

8. Melupakan titik-titik sensitifnya
Terlalu terburu-buru saat bercinta membuat Anda lupa menyentuh area sensitif perempuan. Terlalu to the point untuk menjamah area V nya membuat Anda tidak fokus ke tempat yang lain. Padahal, banyak area-area sensitif perempuan yang akan membuat mereka lebih 'liar' di atas ranjang.

9. Menganggap pasangan merasa puas
Walau sudah mendapatkan klimaks, bukan berarti pasangan Anda merasakan hal yang sama. Pria terkadang tidak fokus pada perasaan pasangannya. Sebaiknya pastikan dulu ia juga merasakan kepuasan yang sama seperti yang Anda rasakan.

10. Pergi begitu saja
Setelah mendapatkan hubungan seks yang luar biasa, bukan berarti Anda bisa meninggalkan pasangan Anda begitu saja. Jangan membuat pasangan Anda merasa dimanfaatkan dan diekspliotasi. Tidur tanpa mengucapkan rasa cinta, atau meninggalkan opasangan Anda yang tengah tertidur begitu karena urusan mendadak akan membuat perempuan merasa sedih. Bersikaplah lebih sensitif. Ucapkan terima kasih dan rasa cinta Anda padanya.


Gili Trawangan, the most popular among the three Gili’s. Just kick back and enjoy the sun, nightly beach parties and sea. The main stripe is full of accommodations, restaurants, and dive shops.

If you are seeking a quieter place to stay there are bungalows in the north. This Island is also known as "Party Island", where mostly young European find themselves "Lost In Paradise".
If you come during the Peak Season (July-August, December-January), most places are full and prices are doubled. An advanced reservation is a must.

With spectacular sunrises over Lombok's Mount Rinjani volcano and breathtaking sunsets that illuminate Bali's towering Mount Agung volcano, together with warm hospitality of the Gili Trawangan residents, it's not surprising that most visitors end up staying longer than originally plan.

Accommodation on Gili Trawangan

Most of the accommodation centrally located on south east of Gili Trawangan. A few new establishments of bungalows with a better facilities are now available. Places in the front (beach line) are more expensive. The upmarket accommodation is no longer dominated by Villa Ombak and Villa Almarik. There are many new quality boutique resorts are now available (see places to stay, updated recently). Gili Trawangan is more developed than other Gilis for the last few years. There are also a few places to stay around the north and south west coast in more quiet atmosphere.


Snorkeling off-the-shore, sunbathing, swimming, or join any dive trips with any dive operators which colored the lines. There are quality dive schools available to cater the needs of tourists, offering complete range of PADI courses, as well as Fun Dives for those already certified.

By night, the waterfront comes to life as various foreign and locally restaurants and bars start to fire up, with fresh snapper, grouper and tuna, cooked over charcoal flames, readily available.



All Inclusive Package

Pick up and transfers, Accommodation, full board meals, tour guide, entrances, private car, boat, etc.


Lombok Dive Package

6 Days 5 Nights

Incl. accommodation, PADI dive course + certificate, etc

Lombok Fun Dive

4 Days 3 Nights


Honeymooner Package

Free & Easy Package

Gili Exotic Package

Exotic Bali - Gili Island

5D/4N (new)

Lombok Bali Adventure

7D/6N (new)

Family Package 4D/3N

A local initiative was set up to help the turtle population around Gili Trawangan. The poachers are paid for their find and the turtles are re-buried and kept under surveillance. Once they hatch, the baby green and hawksbill turtles are placed in a tank and left to grow until they are approx. 6 months old when they are big enough to fend for themselves, and are released into the sea.

The project still relies purely on donations by locals and tourists and has grown bigger and bigger over the years.

In 2004, Vila Ombak Diving Academy began a project to encourage the re-growth of the coral using a method called Bio-rock. The process involves using a safe low-voltage current that is applied though the sea water. The electric current attracts the minerals in the seawater to a steel structure where they grow into limestone very similar to coral reefs.

In 2006, after the success of the original project, all the dive operators on the island came together to construct more Biorock structures. The 14 structures can be found in the shallower waters (5-8m) at different points just in front of each dive shop.

Gili Eco Trust was set up to protect the coral reefs around the island against destructive fishing practices.

A one-time donation of Rp 40,000 charged to the guest by dive centres on Gili Trawangan to pay fisherman to stop using fishing methods that are damaging to the reefs. Funds are also used for beach cleaning, rubbish management and monitoring.

Line fishing, spear fishing and surface nets are permitted as these methods are not harmful to the reefs and the eco-system.

Although the island once had a reputation among the back-packing community as wicked party destination, many establishments which once laid claim to hosting wild dance parties today trade on their reputations.

By a tradition that continuous today, only one establishment per night can play music and host dance party until 4 am. Of the seven weekly venues hosting parties, the one most anticipated by tourists and locals alike are the funk house and hard music parties with local DJ's in spinning disks.

If wild dance parties are not to your liking, many restaurants and bars, including the Tirnanog - Irish bar, provide a range of more sedate and social gathering point for Al fresco dinning and drinking by the water's edge.